Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Make that TWO Leap Day Spay it Forwards! George

George, who has some ears to grow into, was lucky enough to get neutered today just because he was in the car.  His owner already had an appointment for George's "sister," Sox, and brought George along for the ride to and from the clinic.

While talking to George's owner, we learned that he had another dog, but couldn't get him fixed because he just didn't have the money. He explained that he wants to and that he knows how important it is. He just doesn't have the money. Times are hard.

We asked him how far away he lived and if he would be interested in getting both dogs done today. It would be a "two for one" kind of deal. When he said he had George in the car, we gave him paperwork to fill out and got George weighed and checked in to the SPOT Clinic right away.

Now, freshly neutered, vaccinated, and outfitted with identification tags, George is all ready to conquer the world as a happy, healthy, ALTERED pet!

A special thank you goes to Rosalind Cook for making George's surgery happen today.  Part of our mission is to get animals in the door and fixed that may not otherwise have the opportunity, whatever the reason.  Spay it Forwards can help get those kiddos in the door.

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